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ASIS Intelligence Reports:

Predictive Intelligence from the Armada Strategic Intelligence System

After 20 years of development, Armada Corporate Intelligence has partnered with Morris, Nelson & Associates (MNA) to launch a continuous forecasting intelligence tool for executives.

Our intelligence system forecasts growth rates across sectors of the goods producing and goods moving sector of the economy, predictions and forecasts that cover more than 70% of US GDP. Join now to receive our strategic reports at no cost for 30 days.

Predictive Intelligence Reports and Tools for Executives

Knowledge is power but only if that intelligence is focused and relevant. Business leaders do not need history lessons and they do not value information received too late to act on. Armada uses a combination of analytical tools to provide timely interpretations, forecasts and assessments. What is happening in the global economy that will impact business decisions? We assess trends and interpret data with an eye on the decision-making that leaders engage in every day.

THE WATCH is a report that provides a running intelligence estimate for business executives. We monitor a series of trigger events - getting well in front of market shifts - and report it to you, giving you time to react and position your business for success. We compare it to the “officer of the watch” report provided to naval commanders – the data needed to make decisions.

THE FLAGSHIP is Armada’s three times a week topical briefing. It covers a broad range of topics in a very concise manner. It is direct, conversational, easy to scan, and analytical, created to get you ahead of key global trends and events. The briefing covers domestic and global economics, geopolitics, raw materials, supply chain risks, and environmental and weather-related risks to operations.

THE INSIDE THE EXECUTIVE SUITE is an incisive report delivered once a week containing strategic and tactical tips designed to assist the development of a successful office.


Knowing what happened is interesting - knowing what is going to happen is critical. The difference between information and intelligence is action. If you know what is coming there is time to act rather than react. That is the difference between taking control and being overtaken by events.


Armada started 22 years ago and has served Fortune 500 companies, mid-market operations, investors, corporate advisors, trade associations and professionals. MNA has analyzed and modeled complex problems for private and government clients for many years. We believe clients are to be armed with the knowledge they need to succeed.

Armada Corporate Intelligence has launched a continuous forecasting intelligence tool covering 70% of US GDP. Subscribe for a 30-day free trial and receive our monthly reports.

  • Designed to Give Executives a Competitive Edge

    There has never been a time when the business environment has been as complex and challenging. Operating threats come from all directions, and constantly. Staying ahead of changes in the operating environment requires knowing what is around each corner - whether it is a threat or an opportunity. The Watch team sifts through the mountains of geopolitical, economic, and environmental news stories bombarding us daily, separating out the relevant information from the noise. The Watch forecasts 18 months into the future with a carefully constructed set of models that maintain and average of 95% accuracy. It takes time to be ready for shifts in the operating environment – The Watch provides executives with that time, and an edge over competitors.